Kamis, 19 Desember 2013

Story About Love : The Woman Is The Reflection Of Her Man, By: Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt about His Wife
A Secret of Love
My wife got sick.
She was constantly nervous because of problems at work, personal life, her failures and problems with children.
She has lost 30 pounds and weighted about 90 pounds in her 35 years. She got very skinny, was constantly crying.
She was not happy woman. She had suffered from continuing headaches, heart pain and jammed nerves in her back and ribs. She did not sleep well, falling asleep only in the morning; got tired very quickly during the day.
Our relationship was on the verge of brake up.
Her beauty was leaving her somewhere, she had bags under her eyes, she was poking her head, and stopped take care of herself.
She refused shoot the films and rejected any role.
I lost hope and thought that we’ll get divorced soon…
But then I decided to act. After all I’ve got the most beautiful woman on the earth.
She is the ideal of more than half of men and women on earth, and I was the one allowed to fall asleep next to her and to hug her shoulders.
I began to pepper her with flowers, kisses and compliments.
I surprised her and pleased every minute.
I gave her lots of gifts and lived just for her.
I spoke in public only about her.
I incorporated all themes in her direction.
I praised her in front of her own and our mutual friends.
You won’t  believe, but she has blossomed.
She became even better than before.
She gained weight, was no longer nervous and she loved me even more than ever.
I had no clue that she CAN love that much.
And then I realized one thing: the woman is the reflection of her man.
If you love her to the point of madness, she will become it.
Brad Pitt

Minggu, 01 Desember 2013

(Since December) How to Walk and What to Keep

Hello December...

As the end of the year of 2013, you mean so much to me as a month.
I will start my new journey, I mean pre-journey of my life.

Since now,

I have to learn how to walk my life with someone else's mind
I have to accept the one whom I chosen to be my husband-will-be who's starting his role as a part of my life
to be a team...until he really as my husband and..keep it forever.

I aware, as a TEAM,
There will be no 'I' or 'You'
Because as a team,
There will be just 'We' or 'Us'

I know, it will be not an easy thing
But I wish, we could make life as simple as we can do together.
I don't have any idea before about receive another idealism as mine too
But , we always have to trust each other to face the future in the middle of differences that we have.

These are my wishes on him...

My husband-will-be,
Man, Please...
Don't walk in front of me, because I can't see what you see 
Don't walk behind me, because I can't walk without your direction
But, just walk beside me... then, 
I can learn how you walk the step well and I can fix my step with your step to be a similar step

Time is running
We passed every bad things behind to start what goods ahead

I don't want to make the cool things and warm things are crossed each other
Keep our mind cool
Keep our heart warm..
Thing's always will get better, dearest...
